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Friday, May 27, 2016

Evil Couple Drugged, Raped And Killed Vulnerable Young Woman Then Hid Body Under Bed

A couple drugged, raped and killed a vulnerable young woman before hiding her body under a bed. Susan Whiting, 20, was attacked with a blunt object, believed to be a hammer, and discovered with a fractured skull, her wrists bound and a plastic bag over her head at the home of her attackers on 18 August last year.

Steven Beards, 34, and his wife Julie, 35, had invited Susan to dinner and stay the night in Walsall, West Midlands,, before drugging and killing her.

Susan, who had learning difficulties, had become friends with Julie Beards through attending a local adult community centre together.

Susan had been to her home a number of times for meals and stayed overnight.

On August 16, Susan was invited to Julie’s bungalow for another meal and sleepover.

When Susan’s mother went to pick her up the following afternoon as arranged, she was told Susan had already left.

Susan was reported missing to police on 17 August 2015 and following a search of the bungalow the next day, officers found her body hidden, wrapped in a shower curtain and carefully concealed under a single divan bed.

A post-mortem exam revealed she died from head injuries. Traces of ‘sedating hypnotic drug’ Zoplicone were also found.

Following a trial at Leicester Crown Court, Steven Beards was convicted of murder and rape while his wife Julie was found guilty of manslaughter.

Detective Superintendent Mark Payne, who heads the force’s homicide team, said: "Susan Whiting was a vulnerable young woman who lost her life at the hands of this pair, who betrayed her trust.

"The two have never given a reason why Susan was killed, but we believe the attack was pre-planned and sexually motivated.

"Steven Beards initially told officers that he had not slept at the bungalow overnight but had returned there the next morning. Julie Beards claimed she was in the shower and her husband must have killed her."

"I believe Julie Beards invited Susan into her home, before drugging her before he sexually assaulted her and then killed her, probably with a hammer and by compressing her neck. Evidence shows Susan was sedated with drugs and her hands manacled so she could be sexually assaulted.

"Susan had gone to the home of someone she thought she could trust. I welcome the fact both have been jailed and while this cannot bring Susan back, I hope this goes some way to comforting her devastated family and friends."

Susan ’s mother Maureen Whiting said: "From the moment Susan was reported missing our lives have been turned upside down. Susan’s death is such a tremendous loss to our family.

"She was just 20 years old, an easy-going, loving young lady, enjoying her life. I know she was loved and will be missed by so many people.

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