Nollywood actor Richard Mofe-Damijo has celebrated his colleague, veteran actress, Ego Boyo as she turns a year older today. According to RMD, he met Ego Boyo 20years ago, before the making of ‘Checkmate’, Violated and Keeping Faith.
"I remember walking into the room 20 something odd years ago and was introduced to a young lady who went to my school (Uniben), it was the start of Checkmate which marked our first work relationship. Then it was Violated and much later, Keeping Faith."Each time we were "lit" like the young folks would say -lol- Happy birthday my "original onscreen wifey" @officialegoboyo I pray God's grace continues to shine forth in your life and I look forward to our next project together, just because we can. Have a very great year ahead. God bless and keep you," he wrote on his Instagram page.
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